The College Program is a way for students who do not enter NROTC on a scholarship to join the unit, and in doing so, working towards earning a scholarship. College Program participants participate in unit events and apply for a scholarship while a part of the unit. As a College Program Midshipmen, there is no financial or service obligation.
The College Program Midshipmen who do recieve a scholarshiip will have the same benefits and service obligations as Midshipmen with a four year scholarship.
If a College Program Midshipmen has not recieved a scholarship by the beginning of his or her junior year, he/she may apply for advanced standing. Advanced standing allows qualified students to continue in the program, recieve a monthly stipend, and commission upon graduation, but they do not recieve a scholarship.
How to apply for the College Program
Prospective students must first complete and send in the following documents:
- Application Instructions: Print, fill out & returned this page with your application
- College Program Application (NSTC 1533/133)
- Report of Medical History (DD 2807-1)
- Drug Statement for all College Programmers
- Initial Physical Fitness Test (IPFT) for all College Programmers
The following documents will be completed upon acceptance to the NROTC College Program.
Prompt return of your Uniform Fitting Sheet is extremely important over the summer to ensuring the availability of a properly fitted uniform in time for NSO (held in September). The uniform fitting sheet must be filled out by a qualified alterations professional, i.e., seamstress or tailor. If an alterations professional cannot be found in your community, ask your local cleaners if they have someone who can help you.
If you are applying mid-academic year, please complete and send in the documents listed above. After we have reviewed your complete application, we will contact you with more information.
Mail completed packets to:
NROTC - New Student Orientation
Oregon State University
104 Naval Armory
Corvallis, OR 97331
FAX 541-737-3183
Preparation for New Student Orientation | Battalion Goals | Parent Handbook