Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP)
The Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) offers qualified Marines the chance to go to a four-year college full-time, while maintaining active-duty status. MECEP is open to all active-duty Marines and Marines in the Active Reserve (AR) program who meet the eligibility requirements. Selection is based on an individual’s potential for commissioned service as demonstrated by their service record, previous academic record, and evidence of career and academic self-improvement.
Marines that are accepted into the MECEP program have to apply for admission into university. Admission into the university is very competitive and all are encouraged to thoroughly review the application before submitting it. The Marine Corps and NROTC have no oversite or influence on the admissions process and applicants will compete for admission to the university along with other applicants. Applicants are encouraged to contact the MOI/AMOI during and throughout the application process. Once OCS complete and accepted into the university, Marines will receive orders to the NROTC unit.
As an active-duty student, you are expected to integrate into the midshipmen battalion. Participation within the battalion includes PT at least twice a week, weekly leadership labs, and holding midshipmen battalion billets. This allows opportunity to develop as a Marine and to mentor and develop midshipmen.
While attending, Marines will be able to work towards a major of their choosing. An overall and semester GPA of 2.5 or higher must be maintained in order to remain enrolled in the program. In addition to the required classes for one’s major and minor, Marines are required to take two Naval Science courses throughout their time at the university.
The MECEP program is designed to allow enlisted Marines to earn a commission as a 2nd Lt in the Marine Corps. While Marines are able to use their G.I. Bill while attending the university, there are also many scholarships through the university, national scholarships such as the Admiral Boorda scholarship, as well as local scholarships like the Provost Fund which provides scholarship funds to MECEP’s and non-scholarship midshipman based on superb performance.
To see the most up to date information concerning the requirements and process for joining the MECEP program can be found at this link.
For information regarding family resources on campus, please check out the Oregon State University Childcare and Family Resources page, or call them at 541-737-4906.
Contact our Assistant Marine Office Instructor at 541-737-5617 or at [email protected] with questions.